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GNU Octave by Example

Nyelv AngolAngol
Könyv Puha kötésű
Könyv GNU Octave by Example Sharvani Chandu
Libristo kód: 32850166
Kiadó APress, szeptember 2020
Get a quick start to learn, understand, and apply GNU Octave using a math- and programming-friendly... Teljes leírás
? points 135 b
26 811 Ft -18 %
21 720 Ft
Beszállítói készleten Küldés 17-23 napon belül

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Get a quick start to learn, understand, and apply GNU Octave using a math- and programming-friendly approach. This book focuses on an end-to-end track to teach mathematical programming, data science, signal processing, and image processing with GNU Octave. GNU Octave by Example starts with an introduction to GNU Octave, a free and open-source alternative to MATLAB. Next, it explains the processes to install GNU Octave on popular operating systems such as Windows, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi, and other platforms. Further, it covers hands-on exercises with GNU Octave exploring the basic functionality and command line in interactive mode. This is followed by covering matrices and various operations including how to read and analyze data from various sources. Moving forward, it introduces commonly used programming constructs in data visualization. It explains 2D and 3D data visualization along with data analysis. It also demonstrates the concepts related to geometry and its application with GNU Octave. It concludes with coverage of signal processing followed by image, video, and audio processing techniques. After reading this book, you will be able to write your own programs for scientific and numerical applications. What You Will Learn Understand the practical aspects of GNU Octave with math and programming-friendly abstractions Install GNU Octave on multiple platforms including Windows, Raspberry Pi, and Ubuntu Work with GNU Octave using the GUI, the command line, and Jupyter notebooks Implement 2D and 3D data visualization and analysis with GNU Octave Who This Book Is For Software engineers, data engineers, data science enthusiasts, and computer vision professionals.

Információ a könyvről

Teljes megnevezés GNU Octave by Example
Szerző Sharvani Chandu
Nyelv Angol
Kötés Könyv - Puha kötésű
Kiadás éve 2020
Oldalszám 173
EAN 9781484260852
ISBN 1484260856
Libristo kód 32850166
Kiadó APress
Súly 302
Méretek 155 x 235 x 11
Ajándékozza oda ezt a könyvet még ma
Nagyon egyszerű
1 Tegye a kosárba könyvet, és válassza ki a kiszállítás ajándékként opciót 2 Rögtön küldjük Önnek az utalványt 3 A könyv megérkezik a megajándékozott címére

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