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30 nap a termék visszaküldésére
Don't miss the astounding conclusion to Tyri and Jorad's epic adventures in the shattered world of Outland!Beyond the DarkPortal, the good-natured but brash blue dragon Tyragosa and human paladin Joradhave encountered a group of enigmatic creatures unlike any they have ever seen:the incorporeal nether dragons. But the heroes don't have time to spare forinvestigation: Ragnok Bloodreaver--one of the original death knights--hasenslaved a host of nether dragons and is marching his fel orc army to the DarkPortal... where is brutal takeover of Outland will begin.If Outland falls, will Azeroth be far behind? Seekingredemption, Jorad rallies The Broken and warns the Alliance of Ragnok'simpending attack, all while trying to prevent Tyri from falling under Ragnok'scontrol... Written by bestselling author Richard Knaak and drawn byinternational superstar Jae-Hwan Kim, World of Warcraft: Nexus Pointbrings Jorad and Tyri's journey to an earth-shattering conclusion. Besides reavealing astonishing truths about the blue dragonflight, thisepic manga exposes shocking details about the nether dragons' origins and theirconnection to Deathwing.An excellent companion read to the World ofWarcraft: Cataclysm expansion.