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Trading Price Action Trading Ranges - Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader

Nyelv AngolAngol
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Könyv Trading Price Action Trading Ranges - Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader Al Brooks
Libristo kód: 04419286
Kiadó John Wiley & Sons Inc, január 2012
Praise for Trading Price Action Trading Ranges "Al Brooks has written a book every day trader should... Teljes leírás
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Praise for Trading Price Action Trading Ranges "Al Brooks has written a book every day trader should read. On all levels, he has kept trading simple, straightforward, and approachable. By teaching traders that there are no rules, just guidelines, he has allowed basic common sense to once again rule how real traders should approach the market. This is a must-read for any trader that wants to learn his own path to success." -Noble DraKoln, founder,, and author of Trade Like a Pro and Winning the Trading Game "A great trader once told me that success was a function of focused energy. This mantra is proven by Al Brooks, who left a thriving ophthalmology practice to become a day trader. Al's intense focus on daily price action has made him a successful trader. A born educator, Al also is generous with his time, providing detailed explanations on how he views daily price action and how other traders can implement his ideas with similar focus and dedication. Al's book is no quick read, but an in-depth road map on how he trades today's volatile markets, complete with detailed strategies, real-life examples, and hard-knocks advice." -Ginger Szala, Publisher and Editorial Director, Futures magazine Over the course of his career, author Al Brooks, a technical analysis contributor to Futures magazine and an independent trader for twenty-five years, has found a way to capture consistent profits regardless of market direction or economic climate. And now, with his new three-book series-which focuses on how to use price action to trade the markets-Brooks takes you step by step through the entire process. In order to put his methodology in perspective, Brooks examined an essential array of price action basics and trends in the first book of this series, Trading Price Action TRENDS . Now, in this second book, Trading Price Action TRADING RANGES , he provides important insights on trading ranges, breakouts, order management, and the mathematics of trading. Page by page, Brooks skillfully addresses how to spot and profit from trading ranges-which most markets are in, most of the time-using the technical analysis of price action. Along the way, he touches on some of the most important aspects of this approach, including trading breakouts, understanding support and resistance, and making the most informed entry and exit decisions possible. Throughout the book, Brooks focuses primarily on 5 minute candle charts-all of which are created with TradeStation-to illustrate basic principles, but also discusses daily and weekly charts. And since he trades more than just E-mini S&P 500 futures, Brooks also details how price action can be used as the basis for trading stocks, forex, Treasury Note futures, and options.

Információ a könyvről

Teljes megnevezés Trading Price Action Trading Ranges - Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader
Szerző Al Brooks
Nyelv Angol
Kötés Könyv - Kemény kötésű
Kiadás éve 2012
Oldalszám 624
EAN 9781118066676
ISBN 1118066677
Libristo kód 04419286
Súly 1310
Méretek 196 x 241 x 37
Ajándékozza oda ezt a könyvet még ma
Nagyon egyszerű
1 Tegye a kosárba könyvet, és válassza ki a kiszállítás ajándékként opciót 2 Rögtön küldjük Önnek az utalványt 3 A könyv megérkezik a megajándékozott címére

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