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Introduction to Bioregulatory Medicine

Nyelv AngolAngol
Könyv Kemény kötésű
Könyv Introduction to Bioregulatory Medicine Alta Smit
Libristo kód: 05037889
Kiadó Thieme Publishing Group, július 2009
Written by international experts in the field, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to th... Teljes leírás
? points 198 b
31 835 Ft
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Knowing Feeling / Kemény kötésű 20 157 Ft

Written by international experts in the field, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles and clinical practice of bioregulatory medicine. It opens with an overview of core concepts in homotoxicology, including the human body's defense and regulation systems, followed by a chapter on the development and evolution of illness. The authors cover the different preparation groups and discuss in detail the basic principles of antihomotoxic therapy: drainage and detoxification, immunomodulation, and cell and organ support. The final chapter focuses on the practical aspects of bioregulatory treatment, including the selection and availability of medications, indications, contraindications, and therapeutic strategies for a variety of common diseases. Highlights: * Insights from renowned experts in homotoxicology * Poster-size version of the Disease Evolution Table (DET), a key tool in daily practice * Plant-, mineral-, and organ-based medications--how they work * Practical information on various treatment methods, such as ointment dressings, injection therapies, and biopuncture *80 high-quality illustrations and diagrams that demonstrate key concepts Introduction to Bioregulatory Medicine is a valuable textbook for medical students, medical doctors, naturopathic physicians, homeopaths, and other health care professionals who wish to expand their knowledge in this field.

Információ a könyvről

Teljes megnevezés Introduction to Bioregulatory Medicine
Nyelv Angol
Kötés Könyv - Kemény kötésű
Kiadás éve 2009
Oldalszám 176
EAN 9783131476111
ISBN 3131476117
Libristo kód 05037889
Súly 648
Méretek 246 x 176 x 20
Ajándékozza oda ezt a könyvet még ma
Nagyon egyszerű
1 Tegye a kosárba könyvet, és válassza ki a kiszállítás ajándékként opciót 2 Rögtön küldjük Önnek az utalványt 3 A könyv megérkezik a megajándékozott címére

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